About me
I am a researcher and designer with over 25 years professional experience in various fields in Australia, Asia, and the UK.
I have recently submitted my PhD to the University of Technology in Sydney. My research explored how to support public participation in the energy transition in the Hunter Valley. Previous to this I was a principal at Meld Studios, one of Australia’s leading service design agencies. I have also contracted to companies such as Arup and The Coalition of Everyone. Read more about my previous work here.
I hold a Master of Information Design, a Graduate Certificate in City Planning, an IAP2 Certificate in Engagement & Public Training, and a Bachelor of Visual Communication.
I am currently looking for roles in the for purpose sector that have a focus on policy, advocacy, and community-led planning. Please get in touch if you have something in mind, I'd love to explore possibilities with you.
Career history
2020 – 2024
Hunter Renewal is a grassroots environment network dedicated to bringing the community into planning the transition away from fossil fuels. As part of my PhD fieldwork I joined their research and advocacy team to design engagement and research frameworks, synthesise research, and co-write and design reports aimed at government decision-makers.
2011 – 2019
On returning to Sydney I worked with Meld Studios to help large organisations to create better services, experiences, and environments for people. My work spanned sectors of the built environment, transport, culture, education, government, and financial services.
Following a year studying a Masters of Information Design at Reading University I joined two London teams as a user experience designer. For Nokia I was a part of an expert review team for new devices, critiquing user interfaces from concept through to pre-launch states. For bSkyb I was part of an internal research team responsible for developing Sky’s not-for-profit and internal ventures.
Pre 2009
For most of my early career I was employed as an art director by de Luxe & Associates who specialised in the redesign of large-scale newspapers and magazines for publishers such as Fairfax and Time throughout Australia and Asia. This work was about designing ways of working, tools, and templates to assist designers and sub-editors at these publications to use the new designs in the most efficient and brand-aligned manner.
Read more about my previous work here